Category: Books and Writings
Relying on God: Lent day 10
Greetings, night owls and fellow seekers of a more intentional life! Yeah waking up early lasted 2 days… mainly because I just work too late. Today, I woke up with a newfound determination to conquer the notorious snooze button and embrace the beauty of starting my day early. And browsing brought me this gem form…
I don’t want to be white, I just want to be treated as if I were
I don’t want to be white; I just want to be treated as if I were. To exist in a world where the pigment of my skin is not a prison, a ball and chain, a ‘something that could be despised’. Where my burnished hue is celebrated and not frowned upon or wished away or…
I’ll wait for you…
There is this very talented artist by the name of Janette-Ikz ok I’m not sure if that’s her name because there are a lot of alliterations of her name “Mysterious Genetics = MissTerious Janette-Ikz” and her poem “I will wait for you” is phenomenal… I am going to learn it to use for our TOB…